A Snake In The Road
When I got home on Thursday, April 21, I saw a branch lying across the driveway. It’s been windy recently, so it’s not uncommon for branches to fall out of the trees. As I got closer and got a better look, I realized it was a snake.
He was about 3 feet long and lying still in the middle of the driveway. I figure he was just warming himself on the road, although the spot was in the shade at the time. I quickly got out of the car and took a few pictures with my Blackberry’s camera.
He didn’t move throughout the process and I actually approached fairly closely for one of the shots. I didn’t know exactly what species of snake he was, but I was sure he wasn’t a rattlesnake. Although he did have a diamond-like pattern, there was no rattle.
I finally grabbed a nearby stick and prodded him a bit. He doubled-back and quickly disappeared in the grass. At that point, Dixie, our Border Collie, came over to greet me and see what was happening, but he was long gone.
I mentioned to Mary that night, that I’d seen the snake and described it to her. She immediately identified it as a rat snake. I did further research and think she’s right.
According to Wikipedia, there are many species, both Old World and New World. They are a type of constrictor, feeding primarily on rodents and birds. Although some Old World species are venomous, they seldom bite and none are considered dangerous to humans.
Good call identifying that gross snake.